Painmeds365 follows a no-tolerance spam policy and prohibits its users from sending unsolicited emails or messages while rendering service from our site. In many cases, customers complain about getting junk emails, promotional emails, or unsolicited bulk emails after placing an order from our site. A user’s account will be terminated if the user sends unsolicited images.

Examples of spamming include:

  • Sending emails to harvested email id from websites, business directories, etc.
  • Sending emails to people who have already unsubscribed from campaigns.

If you are also receiving any such emails or promotional messages in your email, chatbox, message board, newsgroup, or anywhere else, please report the suspected abuse by filling out the given form. If applicable, please unsubscribe from the newsletter using the link at the bottom that you are no longer interested to receive such emails. Further, we will take strict action against them and will also share those offenders with anti-spamming organizations and agencies.


Painmeds365 holds the right to disable any account at any time if we found any reasonable suspicion is being used in conjunction with spamming. Customers must substantially address all spam-related inquiries by Painmeds365 personnel as soon as possible. Failure to respond to these emails quickly may result in the disablement of the user’s account.

Reporting Abuse

If you suspect that a customer is sending an unsolicited email, please forward it to us at [email protected]. We will meticulously examine each report and take appropriate action against the user who violated our privacy policies.

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