sleeping fog

Although many people take sleeping pills to aid their sleep, it is not necessary for dogs. If your dog has difficulty falling asleep during the night, you should consult your doctor for the root cause. In this article, we won’t just discuss the practical solutions but also make you aware of safe sleeping pills that can be used for your dog.

Why is your dog not sleeping?

It is rare for dogs to suffer from sleeping disorders. There must be a serious reason behind it if your dog can’t sleep during the night. Following are the reasons behind it:

  • A study by DogTrust says, ‘Younger dogs sleep less during the night than older ones.’ so this behavior you can consider normal as younger ones go to the bathroom more than older ones. After 4 months, they will also start sleeping at night.
  • In cognitive decline, older dogs may become disoriented and start waking up more often during the night. Or there may be some underlying health condition accusing them of frequently going to the bathroom.
  • Separation anxiety is another reason for restlessness and disturbed sleep during the night. Whenever dogs are serrated by their owners, they often feel this way. You can observe anxiety symptoms in pacing, panting, and vocalizing.

Note: You should not give your dog sleeping pills without a veterinarian’s prescription. Before you even go for pills, try using comforting methods to make them sleep during the night.

Comforting measures to help your dog sleep during the night

Comfortable bed

Ensure the bed on which your dog sleeps is clean and comfortable. Your dog is now a pet dog, and they also need comfort at home as we humans do.

Safe place

If you buy a new dog or the dog is young, keep them in a dark space or wherever they feel secure. Keep some toys for them to feel they have someone with them.

Enough physical activity

We, as owners, often forget about the needs of our pets. We consider them humans, and they feel ok roaming around or tied in one place. But it is their nature to play and enjoy running around the home or on the streets.
Note: never give human medications, be they sleeping or anti-anxiety pills. Contact a vet before giving any medical treatment to your dog.

Sleeping pills for dogs

Before giving any medication, seek medical advice from your vet. For now, we can check out some over-the-counter drugs that are safe for your dog to relax during the night:


These chemicals influence the behavior of receiving animals by acting like the hormones they secrete. Because of their familiarity, dogs have a calming effect on them. Dog-appeasing pheromones come in the form of sprays or plug-in diffusers.

Calming aids

These readily available dietary supplements are composed of natural herbs and proteins that specifically target and interact with the soothing neural pathways in a dog’s brain. By doing so, they effectively promote relaxation and facilitate a restful sleep experience for your canine companion.


Both dogs and humans use melatonin supplements, as it helps distinguish between day and night. This item is available for acquisition at stores specializing in health-oriented products. Still, you should consult a vet for the dose.

Side-effects of sleeping pills in dogs

In case of an overdose, or if any medication does not suit you, you may observe the following symptoms. If they are not manageable, then immediately go to your vet for consultation:

  • Lethargy, sedation
  • Agitation, destructive behavior
  • Low body temperature
  • Rapid breathing, rapid heart rate
  • Vomiting, excessive salivation, diarrhea
  • Lack of muscle control
  • Panting
  • Tremors, lack of coordination
  • High doses may cause a collapse

Over-the-counter sleeping pills are safe for your dog. If they don’t work for your dog, you should consult a vet for a specific prescription for a specific health condition. If you are looking for an online drug store, then painmeds365 can provide you with authentic sleeping pills for dogs that are also available in safe doses.